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About EOA




The process of creating  Echoess Of Africa(EOA) began with a dream of our founder as a child growing up in America. Her dream was to be a liaison between Africa and America. She was a refugee due to the civil war in West Africa she had always had the desire to be part of a big movement in watching  Africa get up and helping Africa stand on its own two feet. Growing up in America has taught her that dreams were meant to be dreamt at night and in the early morning it was meant to be built into reality. She began to build this dream in the early morning by attending primary school, middle school, high school, and University.


 Echoess Of Africa's mission is to provide a catalyst for change in helping people fulfill and be fulfilled by their highest potential both at a domestic and international level.



Echoess of Africa knows that our strength is not only in the words we stand by but most importantly through the actions of our initiatives. When you have a dream get up and take action



Echoess of Africa


The Echoess of Africa is on every continent in the world! Can you hear the echoes? 


The vision to start a community and organization named Echoess of Africa where our collective well-being is at the forefront was a gift. It is in community, partnerships, collaboration, and ourselves that we continue to accentuate this vision. Our programs and activities are being designed to be a catalyst for change in helping people fulfill and be fulfilled by their highest potential. As someone who studied Global Economics at Temple University, this is vital to who I am and the generations before me who were born on the beautiful continent of Africa.


At Echoess of Africa, not only are we envisioning to be in a community with the echoes of our ancestry, where we are, but also travel to villages and urban cities in developing countries for collective projects. It is about supporting the development of sustainable environmental infrastructures, growing children's educational and athletic accessibility, and meeting the basic living needs in neighborhoods most in need. We are a vessel of support, a community with the voices who need to be heard and uplifted. It is by taking action that we can continue to raise public awareness of the pressing issues facing today’s society. With hope, commitment, communication, and compassion our message can amplify and reach one person at a time. We believe that a single action can make a difference in the community and that collective action can greatly impact the world. Through advocacy and outreach activities, our team will keep striving to contribute to the greater good of our lives. Learn more about the positive, sustainable impact we can have, and join us in bringing about positive change and a measurable difference in the lives of others!


Regina DM Karluah, B.A.

Founder and President of Echoess of Africa

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